You probably already realize this, but I have to warn you, when the boxes arrive, you're going to be completely overwhelmed...but in a wonderful way I'm speaking from personal experience because (in an effort for full disclosure here - can you tell I'm an accountant?
) I acquired Daryl's room key collection. Four boxes arrived here yesterday and my emotions are all over the place. At one moment it's like Christmas because of all of the wonderful new goodies I have, it's terribly sad because the fun I had with Daryl and Pat sharing new keys and experiences has changed, it's fun to see the great duplicates I'll have to trade with friends old and new, and looking at some of the keys brings back happy memories. There's the feeling of being entrusted with something very special...and along with that the quotation comes to mind that "from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked".
Congratulations and best wishes,