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Better Description for Casino Magic Bay St. Louis

I've always been bothered by the descriptions for the last two cards in the 7th issue from the Casino Magic in Bay St. Louis, MS where it was using the position of the left most star in the logo to determine the differences between the two cards. It was just too hard to tell the differences. Well, I just noticed another way to tell the difference very easily and I don't know why we didn't notice it earlier. It seems the positioning of the logo vs the text at the left does change but it's easier to just measure the distance from the start of the last line of text in the list (the line that starts with "and...") to the right most tip of the larger star near the top of the logo. This takes all the guess work out of checking which version you have. On the first of these two cards the distance is 69mm and on the other it's 74mm. The changes are already made on the ChipGuide and should appear tomorrow. The next release of the Slot Card Guide will have the changes too.

Messages In This Thread

Better Description for Casino Magic Bay St. Louis
Casino Magic Bay St. Louis MS Reorganized Too

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