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Does the CCA have your email addy for NEWSLETTER?

The email list that the Club uses to distribute the monthly CCA Newsletter is separate from the Club's Membership Officer's email listing. While CCA Newsletter Team did use the Membership Officer's email list to seed the CCA Newsletter list, we noted that several hundred members did not have an email addy on file. While much of that number may not have an email addy, I suspect that many do, but for what ever reason have not shared that addy with the Club.

If you are in that group, or, you are not a Club member and would like to receive the CCA Newsletter (each month), please feel free to email Club President Jerry Vergatos at, stating, with words to the affect of... Add me to the Newsletter list.

Please NOTE, we have designed this process to NOT have the CCA Newsletter email listing used to populate the Club's Membership Officer's Membership Email Listing.

For those on the CCA Newsletter email listing, stand-by for Volume 1, Issue 3 (June 2019) of the CCA Newsletter, which will be hitting email in-boxes within 24 hours!!!

Jim Follis
CCA Newsletter Team Member

Copyright 2022 David Spragg