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My Collection Query on the ChipGuide

I'm currently working on flagging all the slot cards in my personal collection on the ChipGuide with the recently implemented flags but I still have a long way to go before it's complete. Eventually you'll be able to see all the cards that I have and those I'm still missing if you have full access to the ChipGuide. I already have all my Canadian and foreign cards done, and I'm still working on the remaining entries as I have time, a little each day typically.

While I'm working on this I'm also checking the CG# links in the Slot Card Guide plus the actual slot card listings on the ChipGuide, cleaning up any mistakes that I find along the way. So far it's been a worthwhile exercise and I've already fixed a number of things. I'll probably save the Nevada listings to last since that's the largest and I already know there's a lot of cleanup to the listings on the ChipGuide.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg