If you're not going to the convention and want to look through some slot cards, I just finished updating my trading website and posting a bunch of new listings on my store on Delcampe. I now have over 9,000 slot cards listed, including over 800 rarer cards (valued $10 or more). All my current slot card doubles are listed on my own website ( www.slotcardtrader.com ) while cards from all but a few casinos (less than 30 currently) are listed on my Delcampe store under Other Collections / Modern Collectible Cards / Casino Cards: ( https://www.delcampe.net/en_GB/collectables/store/rbakerpc ).
Or here's a direct link to just the slot card listings
( https://www.delcampe.net/en_GB/collectables/search?seller_ids%5B0%5D=554914&categories%5B0%5D=20485 )
There is also a number of coupons and other paper items listed on Delcampe mixed in with the slot cards that are NOT currently on my own website. Plus I have over 600 generic gift cards and over 700 room key cards (generic & casino mixed) listed on Delcampe along with a bunch of other stuff.
The advantage of the Delcampe listings is the search capability on that website that allows finding specific things you might be looking for. And keep in mind that you DO NOT have to register with Delcampe and you DO NOT have to buy anything through Delcampe. I can still trade or sell anything listed there directly! If you need help finding anything just ask.
I'm open to trades and welcome offers for anything of interest. I have over 100,000 doubles with another 20,000+ cards that just came in that I'm still going through.