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Quick note on all the 'Previously Unlisted' cards

All the recent postings regarding "previously unlisted" cards are cards I'm finding in several collections I recently acquired that were never listed in the Slot Card Guide but are older issue cards, not new or recent issue cards. It seems typical that I find a few unknown or unlisted cards whenever I get another collection but in this case there appears to be quite a few. There were nearly 30,000 cards in this last collection and I'm finding all sorts of things as I work my way through the pile.

For a long time now I've been forcing myself to actually check every single card when I'm going through any cards and not take anything for granted. A lot of times that has paid off with discovering new cards like these that were never listed in the guide.

That's part of the reason why we spent a LOT of time to get scans of as many cards as possible onto the ChipGuide and linked with the Slot Card Guide so everyone can check their cards against the scans that we have cataloged. It's amazing how many new entries that has uncovered since we completed the integration. If you do discover something that doesn't appear to be listed please submit scans and I'll check it out.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg