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Mocha Clubs Macau China Reorganized in Guides

While adding new cards in the guides from the Mocha Clubs in Macau China it was discovered that the cards that were previously listed as 7th issue should really have been listed as the 1st issue cards. They have a 6 digit phone number following the +853 code (+853 780 233). All following cards have an 8 digit phone number following the +853 code (+853 2878 0233). The phone systems were changed from the 6 digit numbers to the 8 digit numbers so those cards with the earlier phone number were listed incorrectly previously in the guides. While changing things in the guides, the later cards were reorganized to better separate the issues and a new 2014 card was added. The changes will go live on the ChipGuide tomorrow and will be in the next Slot Card Guide when it is released in January.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg