We don't actually have scans of the thin plastic President's Select Club, only the thicker cards with magnetic stripes so I'd like to get that added to the guides along with the Maharajah Club card you show with the different back. Can you send me any better scans or photos of the back and front that I can add to the guide? I can actually use the photos of the backs and probably the one of the President's Select from the posting but there's a shadow across the bottom of the Maharajah Club card so you can't see the text. Scans would be best with 200 dpi the best setting for scans going on the ChipGuide. If you can't scan them, try taking individual photos of each card and side and try to get as square as possible. I can usually correct for some distortion if necessary. Email is rbakerpc@gmail.com if you can email them directly to me as attachments and not included in the email body.