The nominations for the 2017 Officers and Board of Directors have been submitted and tallied. 36 valid nomination forms were received.
Two members received one nomination for President, and two members received one nomination for Secretary. Per the Constitution, a member must receive two nominations to be eligible to run for Office.
David Spragg received a nomination and a second from current members for President, but respectfully declined the nomination. David also received a nomination and a second from current
members for Secretary and accepted the nomination.
Jerry Vergatos received a nomination and a second from current members for President and accepted the nomination. Jerry also received a nomination and a second from current
members for Secretary, but respectfully declined the nomination.
Steve Bedo and J. Eric Freedner received a nomination and a second from current members for Secretary, but both respectfully declined the nomination.
Therefore, there will be no election in 2017. Jerry Vergatos is unopposed for the Office of President, and David Spragg is unopposed for the Office of Secretary.
We will report these results at the Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 24, 2017 and request certification by a vote of the current Board of Directors and Officers.
Congratulations to President, Jerry Vergatos and Secretary, David Spragg!
Respectfully Submitted,
Election Co-Chairmen