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Al Cattuzzo

I am sure many of you collectors know of Al Cattuzzo from California. He and Moe Jardin were buddies and always came to the convention with nice California cards. It has been over a year since he sent me some cards and I have often wondered how he was doing. I did send him a Christmas card and got one in return but no further word. Dick Adamowicz sent me the following email this morning with some info on Al. If I hear anything further, I'll pass on the info.

Hi Esther; I'm sure you must know Al Cattuzzo, did you know he's in some kind of care place? I sent him some cards and he never was much of a writer but he's such a nice old guy. Anyway I got a letter from a place called Akel Fiducary Inc. stating that he got the cards and is doing exceedingly well in a community facility and likely on the path to return to his Sacramento home very shortly. I know your very active in the hobby so maybe you can get the word out as I'm sure Al is well know by many. I'm no longer collecting having sold my slot cards and would like to sell my jokers and coffee cups too. I did keep my Michigan collection and that's the only cards I save now. If you know any more about Al please let me know how he is. Thank you Dick

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