We, along with Members, Rick and Terri Lonski, counted the 2016
Election Ballots on June 16, 2016:
Total Ballots Received - 186
Voided - (2) [1 - No name; 1 - Expired membership]
Counted - 184
Vice President:
Joe Pavlik - 47
Jay Sands - 125
Constitutional Amendment:
Yes - 150
No - 26
Congratulations to Jay Sands. The term for the Office of Vice President will be two years (2016 - 2018).
The Constitution requires 2/3 majority of valid ballots cast to approve an Amendment. Therefore, the following Amendment is approved with 85.2% “YES” votes.
Article 5: Membership
E. Life Members: members in good standing age 25 or older who apply, after completion of their third full year of membership for permanent membership status, and whose applications are accompanied by payment according to the following schedule. Life Members are relieved from paying further annual dues, but must pay any magazine mailing charges above bulk mail if the Life Member desires such mailing enhancement.
Age 25-39: then-current dues times 25
Age 40-55: then-current dues times 20
Age 55+: then-current dues times 15
Add the following:
After 10 years of continuous completed membership the following rates would apply:
Age 56-75: then-current dues times 10
Age 76+: then-current dues times 5
The ballots received represent 13.4% of the total membership of 1,383 as of 5/23/16.
Respectfully Submitted, Bruce & Mary Ann Massey, Election Co-Chairmen