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Latest 11.1 Edition Slot Card Guide Now Available

I just posted the very latest 11.1 edition of the Slot Card Guide on my website at with over 18,400 cards now listed. That's almost 250 cards added just since January!

Note that the latest Microsoft Word version of the guide is now in the newer .DOCX format and is considerably smaller in size, now about 3MB vs almost 18MB for the previous .DOC version. This format is the default format for Word 2007 or later. If you have an older version of Word you'll need the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack installed. If you still have troubles I can provide a copy in the original .DOC format if needed but it's not on the website.

The new version of the guide now includes the Word Navigation information, with all the casinos and guide sections low listed in the navigation window. This same information now carries over to the Adobe Acrobat version of the file as well. PLUS the Adobe Acrobat version now includes all the hot links that were previously only available in the Word file. So the Acrobat file is now larger with all the additional information now included in that version.

All the new additions and changes since the January release are marked in RED in this issue after the entire guide was reset back to black. So the latest changes are the only things marked in color in this release. You'll find that all the casino listings were slightly reformatted in this release, with the casino name and location now on a separate line from the open/close dates. This was done primarily to make the navigation information more useful and easier to read but it also made the casino names stand out a little more in the listings.

As usual, this is always a work in progress and constantly changing as we find and identify new cards. We're still working on getting scans onto the ChipGuide website for the remaining foreign casinos but we're down to the last handful of countries and casinos left to finish. Many thanks to all the collectors who continue to send in information on new cards as they're found. Without everyone's help it would be an impossible task to try and keep things up to date.

And just a reminder that any donations to help cover the costs in keeping this document going are greatly appreciated!

Happy Hunting!

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Latest 11.1 Edition Slot Card Guide Now Available
Smaller copy of Adobe Acrobat File Now on Website

Copyright 2022 David Spragg