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New Variation Found Indiana Live Slot Cards

Not sure why no one noticed this before but there are actually two variations of what was previously listed as the 3rd issue set of slot cards from Indiana Live in Shelbyville, IN. These are the "live! rewards" cards that had the white outline around the cursive writing "Live!" on the front. Turns out there are two different logos on the reverse bottom right corner of these cards otherwise everything else is identical.

The 3rd issue cards have smaller "Indiana" and "Casino" text in the logo, with "Casino" being about 6mm wide.

On what I'm calling the 4th issue cards, the "Indiana" and "Casino" text in the bottom right reverse logo is larger with "Casino" being about 9mm wide.

The 1st through 3rd issue cards have 7 digit player numbers printed on them while the 4th issue cards appear to have longer 10 digit player numbers.

So far I've found all but the Platinum level in the 3rd issue and the Gold level in the 4th issue if anyone has doubles to trade or can send scans we can use for the ChipGuide entries. We should have the ChipGuide entries updated shortly, I just emailed the info to Albert.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg