We've been working constantly on reorganizing the slot card info on the ChipGuide and I've personally uploaded over 6,000 scans so far. Many thanks to Albert for all his work and help with this massive project as well as the other admins and collectors helping as well.
We're still working our way through the casinos one by one so you'll still be seeing lots of additions and changes as we get to each casino. A large number of casinos area already done but there's still a lot more to go. We're not doing anything with foreign casinos yet until we have the USA finished. Most of Canada is pretty much done already though. I am keeping a master list to track what we've finished and what I've checked. I'm making every attempt to keep whatever we've finished up to date with any new issues, etc. Plus other collectors are already adding new scans and info as well. In the long run I think this will be an invaluable resource with all the scans available. I'm planning on making the next electronic copy of the slot card guide interactive so you'll be able to click on any entry in the Word file and access the online scans for that card.
I should point out that you may come across some changes in issue numbers, newly added cards and other slight changes when browsing through some of the slot card info on the ChipGuide. We are making some changes, both in the slot card guide and on the ChipGuide to get everything in sync as I've mentioned before.
By the way, Charles added a new feature some time ago on the ChipGuide so you can get both scans of a given card on the same web page and be able to cut and paste a link to that page as needed. Just click on either image for a given slot card on the ChipGuide and both scans will show up on a new page. Whichever side of the card you click on will be the top or left image on the page where both are displayed. This is how the links for all the new card info I just posted were generated.
If you come across new cards or new additions for the ChipGuide slot card info you can submit it to the ChipGuide as usual or you can email the scans and info directly to me for faster processing.
Hope everyone has a happy holiday!