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New Variation of Eldorado Gold Member 14th issue

Just noticed there are two variations of the 14th issue Gold Member card from Eldorado in Reno. The reverse is identical on both cards. The difference is in the gold foil printing on the front. The first variation has a smaller "VALID THROUGH" and "MEMBER SINCE" text that is approximately 2mm high. The other variation I just found has bolder/larger text that is approximately 2.5mm high. It's pretty easy to see the difference when you have them side by side.

By the way, someone just found a new 1st edition Eldorado card that was prior to all cards previously listed so the Eldorado cards will be renumbered in the next slot card price guide.

Speaking of which, the next edition of the price guide is just about ready I just need to resolve a few issues. I'll post something to let everyone know when it's ready. There are now over 14,600 cards listed and I've added a few reference appendicies with some player# prefix information. More info when it's ready!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg