I'm contemplating starting another Whirlwind round robin when Jim's two are finished probably in November. I would like to run two groups of eight participants with 4 veterans [who have participated in one before] and 4 newbies [who have not participated before] in each group.
Please keep in mind that you will need at leat 100 different casino keys to set up your round robin as well as enough duplicates to trade keys with the ones you will be receiving.
This is a great way to be able to go through 8 different round robins in the space of about a month. There however will be a cost factor.....postage.... In the last one that I participated in I came away with at least 100+ new keys and variations. Drop me a note or post here if you might be interested. You will be mailing out 8 packages in a month's time cost factor $40-$50 total but, just think of all the goodies that you will find going through 800+ keys.