Actually Jim, I just got back Wednesday from a quick trip to Las Vegas. It was a rough trip for me - picked up virtually no keys, cracked my head open on a large glass door (don't ask, but let's just say that I'm a LOT more cautious around one area of Harrah's than I once was ), and couldn't wait to get back home even though I was up a few (very few) bucks.
Had a crazy idea after I got back from there. I was thinking that it could be a blast to get a bunch of us together during the convention - maybe during early am hours or so - and as a group walk along the strip, hitting each casino for keys (or maybe two groups - one on each side of the strip). If three or four of us went up to different people at the registration desk, someone has to get something, right? On this trip, I found myself getting impatient waiting by myself in line for keys, probably because I don't collect them any more.