A page has been added to the online illustrated casino room key guide to list keys from the Pechanga Resort & Casino, Temecula, CA.
Please note the following changes regarding my work on the online guide:
- This page reflects a new format that includes the issue of Larry & Alice Kopp's Monthly Key Listings in which the key appeared
- As many of you know, I no longer personally collect keys so I will be relying heavily upon Larry & Alice's listings for future updates (and for going back and adding to existing pages or creating new ones). Larry and Alice have been wonderfully kind in allowing me to "borrow" from their listings (well, Alice is always very nice but it took hours of negotiations with Larry at Seattle's Best Coffee during the convention to get his permission )
- If you have keys that do not appear on the page, please email your scans directly to Larry & Alice at lacardkeys@aol.com - they will add them to the monthly listing and then I will "borrow" them for the guide If you wish to send me a copy at the same time, that is fine. If you send the scans directly to me, I will send a copy on to Larry & Alice to insure that they get listed in the monthly report as well. I'm hoping that we will have great coverage of keys through this process (and to be honest, it should reduce my work since Larry will be doing the work of organizing this stuff, straightening scans, making them pretty, etc.
Yeah, I'm basically a lazy person)
Check it out at...
Thanks again to everyone for their contributions to the pages.