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These bulletin boards are free of charge to use.

However, they do need some support to stay that way


Now this isn't exactly a 'begging letter' like this time a year ago, and I actually chose this moment to post as I just noticed a few minutes ago that today is the one year anniversary of the new server and bb software.

I have a dedicated server running these sites. I am being honest that it doesnt come cheap. However, my server logs show we have only had 3 downtimes in a year (the longest of which was half an hour), and I have not had to contact the hoster on a single occasion.
We have unlimited bandwidth, a host of new features since 2010, ability to upload permanent images, and are still only using an average of 5% of the server capacity despite their being some 1.2 million posts on the bb's combined. We have also all but eradicated the spam that plagued us for years before.

The ongoing costs are largely covered by google ads, sponsored banners and a couple of ads for online poker sites on the domain home page. Any additional support is always welcome!

So, this is how you can help!

1. You can take out banner advertising as detailed here (also accessible from the permanent button at the top)

2. If you don't have a site to advertise or link to but still wish to contribute, then there are three ways you can do this.
a) You can 'sponsor' one of the Museum of Gaming History or ccgtcc banners which are currently running free of charge.
b) You can make an anonymous (to me) donation (unless you type in a message) through the button on this page.

Thank you for your continued support!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg