I'm basically done with all the changes and updates and should be ready to go to the printers in a week or two with the new 8th Edition of the Slot Card Price Guide. I'm just waiting for some feedback on the last updates I have a few people reviewing. So... I'd like to get some sort of idea how many people are going to be interested in copies so I have a rough idea how many copies to get printed. Please drop me an email (rbakerpc@gmail.com) and let me know whether you'll want a printed book, electronic files on CD, or BOTH a book and the CD and I'll get back to you when the book is printed. No need to send money yet until it's being printed and I'm ready for actual orders. I just need to get a rough count of the number of copies for now.
I'm keeping the prices the same as what Pat was selling the previous edition for: $45 for the printed book, $25 for electronic files on CD, or $60 for a combo deal with both with postage included for all US and Canadian orders. Unfortunately, any foreign orders from outside the USA or Canada will need to add an extra $10 to cover the extra shipping costs.
The CD will include the original Microsoft Word 2003 source file plus an Adobe Acrobat copy as well.
The new 8th edition is roughly 280 pages double sided and will be spiral bound just like the previous issues. The format is basically the same but with tons of updates and changes. More about that in a following post!
By the way, I should have a new website up to provide more information and online ordering for the book in the next few weeks as well. I'll let everyone know when it's ready.
Thanks for everyone's support and input for this new and improved edition....
Bob Baker