...I wish I did, given that the sets were being sold at the convention for $75+. Ken got a pretty good deal on this one
I think the 10 for $10 offers are all pretty good, given the cost of postage, packaging, etc., it's a lot less than a buck a key. But some of the 10 for $10s are exceptionally good deals...and I'm having a blast selling them and hopefully getting people excited about collecting the darn things I would love to see some of these groups being used to start collections, feed round robins, and generate discussions on the message board (i.e. "here are some of the variations I just received...")
For those who have emailed asking for more of the groups...thanks, I appreciate it and will be listing more. For those who have made comments (indirect and direct) about the number of postings, I ask you to simply post...post...post messages about what you like and are looking for and want to sell or trade. The number of
messages I have posted here would appear as few on the Chip Board because it's so wonderfully active.