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Another Golden Nugget 24k Select Variation

In the new generic Golden Nugget 24K Select slot cards now used at all Landry Golden Nugget properties - I just found another variation of the base level gold card. Basically there are TWO sets of cards with different phone numbers on the back of the card, otherwise they are identical. One set has 844.245.2728 and the other set has 1.800.777.1177

The cards with the 844.245.2728 phone number originally had NO numbers on the back above the mag stripe except for two variations of the base 24 Karat card.... besides the card with no mfg#, there is one card with 888901 and the newly found card has LVP728683-1 (scans below). This card came from the Lake Charles property by the way.

The cards with the 1.800.777.1177 phone number have a 09200x number on the back of the card above the mag stripe with the x being the number 1 to 4 depending on the level, low to high. i.e. 24 Karat = 1, Premier = 2, Chairman = 3 and Elite = 4. These cards have mostly been found at the Atlantic City, NJ property.

So it looks like we need to keep a sharp eye out for new Golden Nugget cards that may appear at any of their locations. If you see any cards not listed in the guides please let me know and/or send scans so we can get them listed.

Here's scans of the latest card found.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg