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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

#3 Ron Leis's -100 plus 25 Blanks will

Be in the AM mail with Con# 0103 8555 7491 1277 5532 to

Paul Liscio-- and then to
Victor Salnicky
Jim Munding
Scott Brady
Chuck Shrope Jr.
Bob Gabel
Dave Johnston
Dick Brach
Pat Lamb
Ron Leis

The 2 key RR should be ready for mailing in a couple days. With the problems posted recently,and memories of last year I just can't seem to want to send these six [6] RR's out.I know the feeling of getting crap back and having disappointed players who receive them before I got them back.
If anyone receives a crappy RR of mine-send it back to me right away-do not forward to next player. I will refund your shipping costs, and take it up with the person who screwed it up.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg