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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Ron Leis RR 100 from anywhere #1[a]&[b]

This one turned into 2 RR's 1[a] & 1 b
1[a] will be on its way with confirmation # 0103 8555 7491 5448 0562 to

Jim Noll
Paul Lisico
Scott Brady
Norm Botoshe
Jim Munding
Dick Brach
Dave Johnston
Ron Leis

1b will leave with confirmation # 0103 8555 7491 4403 5710 to

George Roddewig
Pat Lamb
Denny Deemer
Victor Salnicky
Bob Gabel
Chuck Schope Jr.
Mary Ann Massey
Mark Menke
Ron Leis

Copyright 2022 David Spragg