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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Other new cards in Iowa
In Response To: New card: Catfish Bend ()

At the Lakeside, in Osceola, they have the same orange cards in play as when I was there earlier this year. But I spotted some people playing with a white card sticking out of their card slot, and finally found one of them, shown here. The back is blank except for a magnetic stripe. I thought it might be a temp card, but there is a name printed on it. Maybe they just ran out of cards for a while and had to get these on a rush order?

At Prairie Meadows, I had heard their were new cards, but when I hit the card desk, I was issued the blank white card (the back is also blank except for a magnetic stripe). But I spotted people using a black card, and found a couple on machines.

Messages In This Thread

New card: Catfish Bend
Other new cards in Iowa
New card at Dubuque Greyhound

Copyright 2022 David Spragg