Slot Card BBS
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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Re: Please read-slot cards-NOTE!!!
In Response To: Please read-slot cards ()

The Marquee card is from Hollywood, Aurora, ILL. IF you are looking in the guide for this card--there is a typo- (mine) and the book says "screen test"--that is wrong. This is the "Marquee" card. Lists for $50. Yes--it is peeling along the punch for the key ring--but it is still a rare card. The date on the obverse is 93. I have had 6 people ask about this card--if you have more questions--please email me and I'll try to answer. Thanks for looking. Pat
PS--the guy who offered me a puppy--thanks anyway--but this money goes to the club and I am sure Dave isn't allowed pets in his condo. Ha! You people always make me smile.

Messages In This Thread

Please read-slot cards
Re: Please read--scan 2
Re: Please read--scan 3
Re: Please read--last scan
Re: Please read-slot cards-NOTE!!!
Re: Please read-slot cards-NOTE!!!
Re: Please read-slot cards-NOTE!!!
Re: Please read-slot cards-NOTE!!!
Re: Please read-slot cards-NOTE!!!
Re: Please read-slot cards-NOTE!!!
Re: Please read-slot cards-NOTE!!!
Re: Please read-slot cards-NOTE!!!
Re: Please read-auction ends Wednesday night.
Re: auction is over-Thanks

Copyright 2022 David Spragg