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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Re: Silva's room key RR on way home

Heck Archie, I would love to see as many people as possible collecting casino room keys...and it's not just because it's so much fun. If I were the only one collecting these things, people would just think I'm some sort of whacko. If a thousand other people are collecting them too, suddenly I don't look as crazy vbg

Hopefully by the time the next convention rolls around, there will be more room key collectors than ever before. I'm already looking forward to next year. (Speaking of the convention, when you look around at all of the people attending, having a great time sharing a common interest and developing wonderful friendships, you must have a fantastic sense of accomplishment. You and the founding members did a wonderful thing all those years ago.)


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Silva's room key RR on way home
Re: Silva's room key RR on way home
Re: Silva's room key RR on way home
Re: Silva's room key RR on way home
Never did the club founders ...
Re: Never did the club founders ...
I remember the Bellflower shows well ...!

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