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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Well Bob, let's see if we can do something...

Down there again. I've been talking to the Deep South Chapter over the last few years and they don't seem too interested in holding a convention in Mississippi. Maybe we just get a bunch of card collectors down there (and if people want to trade chips....we well let them vbg).

Messages In This Thread

A blast from the card related
Re: A blast from the card related
Re: A blast from the card related
Re: A blast from the card related
Sounds like it was an interesting show Bob...
Re: Sounds like it was an interesting show Bob...
Re: Sounds like it was an interesting show Bob...
Re: Sounds like it was an interesting show Bob...
Re: Sounds like it was an interesting show Bob...
Well Bob, let's see if we can do something...
Re: A blast from the card related
Actually there are some there....
It was nice to see...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg