Re: Talk about OLD cards...

You are to kind My Lady, I hope to see all of you in June (it's long overdo). Jim, the El Cortez card is dated 1968. The Sands card is dated 1956.
I have quite a few cards from the early 70s. This seems to be the beginning of the plastic cards. Some are quite thin. I have a Reno Harolds Club that came out around 1986. This was Reno's first modern day card. I do alot of scanning, sending picture and documents. For some reason ( a missing gene maybe) I can't seem to get the hang of placing pictures on the slot chat board in my few attempts. When I can get one of my relatives kids, under 10, over to show me, I'll place more pictures on the Chat Board. I would certainly like to see Steves Gold Landmark, again.