There are a number of Dotty's in the Las Vegas Valley. Not just the one you went to. Who said they paid $250,000 for that location? That said...What a bar sells for here in Las Vegas with Gaming is a LOT more than what you would see the exact same bar sell for without Gaming in any other area of the country. If you ever go to the Liberace Museum take a few mintues & go into the Rum Runner across the street from there. Look around & see what you think it would sell for somewhere else without Gaming. Then think about the fact that it would sell for over a $1,000,000 here.
As for.......
"By the way, check out the slot machines next time you're there."
There was never a first time let alone there being a "next"! I have been in more bars in the Las Vegas Valley over the 23 years I have lived here then anyone you know. That was part of what I did when I owned Southern Nevada '9' Ball. Dotty's started springing up just about the time I sold the business so I have never been in one & don't plan on it.
Those days are over...Andy - Las Vegas