Slot Card BBS
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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Will, here ya go. Stuff for the FAQ....

1. In most systems, the card only has a very long sequence number written to it. That number is read by the slot machine, when you first insert it. The number is then passed to the computer, which correclates that number to who the holder is. It then displays your name and point level on the slot machine. As you play the slot machine tells the computer how many coins you play and how many times you hit the "play" button and how much you win. If you take someone's card, you can buy a card reader and read the number. If you bought a good reader (w/ encoder) you can then write that nunber to other cards, Yes, even a credit card, or gift card, or any card with a mag-stripe as long as the write location is the same.

2. The cards, in most places, are the property of the casino, and just because they are, many casino will enforce the policy. They look at harvesting as being not what they are they for! However, every security person has good days and bad days. Some are attentive to their duties, some want to sleep, etc., etc., etc. But, taking cards has no consequence to someone elses account, as long as the casino insists on proper ID when the card is offered for comps.

3. How discreet? It varies, and the eye in the sky can see you sweep your arm above the machine reaching for cards.

The best story I know..... In some casinos you see a collection box at the change booths were patrons are asked to deposit left-behind cards. I have heard that several enterprising harvesters have set up their own collection boxes at casinos that do not have them! They regularly "service" the boxes and the cashiers and other employees think they are part of the operation!!!!

Jim Follis
On-Line Communications Director

Messages In This Thread

Card harvesting questions...
Re: Card harvesting questions...
Re: Card harvesting questions...
Will, here ya go. Stuff for the FAQ....
Re: Card harvesting questions...
Not entirely true Dennis....!
Re: Card harvesting
Re: Card harvesting
Re: Card harvesting-WOW, look at what I found...
Re: Card harvesting-WOW, look at what I found...
Re: Card harvesting-WOW, look at what I found...
Re: Card harvesting-WOW, look at what I found...
Re: Card harvesting-WOW, look at what I found...
sad Most certainly agree sad
Steve, give me a Station Casinos
Re: Steve, give me a Station Casinos

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