Slot Card BBS
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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Key Largo - Variation
In Response To: Orleans - Variation ()

Here is another variation I didn't spot until I compared the card I just got with the one in my collection. On this card too, I ignored the difference in size/color (old- brown, new - black) of the magnetic strip. But this also has the old card 1" mfg mark, new card 1 1/4" mfg mark. It has the same text wording on the back, but the type style has been changed to make the spacing different. The best way to spot the difference to to look at the word "fun!" at the end of the paragraph. On the old card it is right under the word "table" in the previous line. On the new card is shifted to the left. Well, after years of getting the same old cards at Key Largo (I almost didn't go there this trip for that reason) we have a new type to add to our collection. I guess it pays to check as many places as you can when you go to Las Vegas, as even the people who live out there don't cover everything. In spending time at the SC&RK Chapter table at the convention, I kept asking Dave Johnston if there were places I had to go for new cards. I kidded him a bit when I stopped for a card downstairs at the Tropicana finally on Saturday. (I had not done so earlier as I was usually hauling a big bag of traders with me and wanted to avoid the lines at the card booth.) I had asked him if the Trop cards had any changes, and ne'd said no. When I did get a card I told him there was a new variation he didn't know about -- DOWNSTAIRS! The Trop cards they were using looked the same but had an "Innovative" mfg. mark.

Messages In This Thread

Orleans - Variation
Key Largo - Variation
Re: Key Largo - Variation
Re: Orleans - Variation

Copyright 2022 David Spragg