For the benefit of new collectors, I have to bring up the point that there are places where you are not supposed to pick up abandoned cards from the machines. Nearly every slot card in existence says on the back it is the property of the casino and must be returned if they ask for it. Most places don't care about the cards in use and would only grab you if you were pulling cards out of the machines that people were playing on, but several of us in the past have been detained by security for picking up a dusty card off the top of a machine or for selling a card with our name on eBay. Some casinos still feel they are giving out something of value and do not want to see people just taking them or selling them off instead of using them to pump cash into a slot machine. If you ask for a high level or blank card at the booth, tell them you are a collector and want the item for your personal collection. Off course some slot people have been told that and then found out the cards they are giving out are going on eBay. If you harvest cards from the machines, be discreet or be prepared to be hassled and thrown out of the casino by over-zealous security people.