Slot Card BBS
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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Casino of the Sun runs out of cards, again!

It seems that Casino of the Sun, Tucson, AZ has once again come short with their supply of slot cards.

Last time this happened they used some error cards (from ACC) in which the foil printing and shading was not printed on the cards. In fact, only the braided frame was pre-printed.

This time however, they are using completely generic cards, which are black on both sides. As you can see in the picture, the printing machine continues to print a member's name and number in the same locations.

I was also interested in the little slot machine/key ring on the other end of the coil. The handle is movable, which opens the key ring, allowing keys to be placed into the ring. Cute, but certainly not durable.

Jim Follis

Messages In This Thread

Casino of the Sun runs out of cards, again!
Re: Casino of the Sun runs out of cards, again!
Scott, your memory is better than mine....
Re: Scott, your memory is better than mine....
An update
Why is ACC not pitching them? Need a local sales

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