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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Deep South Chapter Meeting Announcement

Posted per John "Jack" Mayerick, President of the Deep South Chapter.

The Quarterly Meeting for the Deep South Chip Collectors Club will be held at the Imperial Palace Hotel & Casino in Biloxi, MS. at 12 Noon on the 28th of September, 2002. The Meeting will be held in the Royal Hall on the 3d floor of the Casino. The IP has provided a room rate of $69. A link is provided below. The phone number for the the IP is 888-946-2847. Ask for "Agent Red". Tell them that you are booking a room for our Meeting. A trading session will be held for the first 2 hours. Members may trade chips to their hearts content. Dealers are welcome, provided they are Members of the Club. There will be a speaker and that will be followed by a Business Meeting. We will discuss several issues as well as the expansion of the website. Committees will report on the Finances of the Club and we will discuss the forthcoming Convention. We expect an active session. There are several new Members who need to be welcomed, as well as some old Members who need to be recognized for their contributions. A report on the Vegas Meeting will be made, as well. There will be an auction of chips and, possibly, a 50/50 drawing. Look forward to seeing you there!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg