Pat -
You make a good point (comparing to the PACK newsletter). I guess it is quite the same!
I may have not made my other post as clear as I would've liked. I think the emailer was saying that "I" was causing the prices to be lower by my posts, not that you or Steve made a conscious decision to make them worth less. Heck, what are those monthly bribes I'm paying getting me?!?! ;)
I think his (assuming it's a "he") point was the higher level cards (Platinum, etc.) were being listed as commons, because if I didn't post them, they might not be discovered for months, and then listed at a higher value. This email didn't bother me at all, I was just apalled that this person put so much importance on the value of the cards (and potential value), rather than just enjoying the collecting aspect of it. I guess you have those types in any hobby.
What's the old saying? "A good deed never goes unpunished!"