I visited HAVASU LANDING after talking to some one at the casino. On the Calif side it is 21 miles south of needles then turn east and go 17 miles road was very nice hwy 95 speed limit is 65 and lots of 18 wheelers on it and a little winding in spots. the road into Havasu from 95 was strighter and also 65mph so cruies right a long. the casino has about 50 machines give or take there are 5 black jack tables they open at 3:pm closed monday and tuesday all new dealers. about 15 tables in the small resturant good food. during the week they open at 9:30 and close at 12:30 fri and sat stay open until 2:30 the bar has 5 or 6 seats. the lake is 3 miles across. the ferry is more like a water taxi. a small luxory boat does not look very big but they say it can hold 99 if you get closteiphobia good luck. the casino is about the size of a house on the lake at the present they do not even have a sign on the calif side parking lot does not exist you use the one for the marina which is also small. as the boat schedule says if the winds come up you could get stuck at the casino. they have chips but were locked up and tokens in the machines. they have vouchers in the Winning Touch machines. but it must be odd change under $1 even amounts get tokens. slot cards. you can get an extra if you ask. very nice and friendly. people have a lady on the floor willing to comp you if serious player. This is my take on the casino i welconme
additions or corrections oh yes no cameras or guns are allowed in the cassino.