Eye candy & trip report

Just got back from Oklahoma--very hot and humid--but we did get a few cards. Beware if you have a warped, bent, or cracked ID--some of the Indians won't take it, and you won't get a players card! Of course Daryl carries his in a worn wallet, in a back pocket, and that ends that story. But I got mine and with over $500 spent in gas to hit 20 casinos in a 3,000 mile streach--like I said in a post below--the cards are worth about $12 each--at COST! Ha!! Any takers??? Ha! Bordertown wouldn't give either of us a card as they are "running low" and only give them to "new accounts". How "new" can you be from Colorado? I think they are given only to locals. We saw more turtles than casinos, but did enjoy the trip--Kansas tornados, rain, hail and all. Enjoy the pictures. Pat