Convention Exhibits Wanted.
The Convention is just around the corner and we need more Exhibits. If you are going to be at the Convention, please think about doing a Exhibit of some of the things you collect. Las t year's winner (Steve Bedo) had a great display of Hard Rock items and there was a huge display of $200 only Silver Strikes.
We had some non-competitive Exhibits and some really neat stuff. You bring the stuff and the Club will provide display cases and table space. Just remember, Exhibit set-up is Wednesday only, 9 to 1! Please email me with some details about your Exhibit idea.
The Club provided display cases are about 2 x 3 foot and about 3 inches high. A slightly deeper case is available for display of higher things.
I will need this information: Exhibit content or theme, number of cases needed, your name,
member number, and Title of the Exhibit.
Exhibits must be casino related in some way. If any of the exhibit will include slabbed chips special permission must be received from President Wayne Thompson. You need to ask, not me.
The deadline for submissions will be May 31st.
Thank you,
Casey Focazio-Follis
Exhibits Chairman