I can only report on the Slot Card & Room Key Club portion.
We had well over 60 people attend the Swap Meet & Trade Session
on Wednesday, 8/8, at Blair House Suites. We signed up 4 new
members and had several members extend for another year or more.
Sold 40 $3-grab bags at the session and the raffle ticket sales
were over $70. "Esther's Bungee Jump" took in over $20, and if
you want to know what that was, you should have been there!!!!!
On the 1st day of the convention, we sold 10 grab bags, 2 new
members signed up and 3 current members extended.
A full, and complete, report will be printed in the next club
newsletter, due out at the end of September.
Dave Johnston, Sec/Treas, SC & RK Collectors Club