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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Golden Gate slot card ?

I read an article in Las Vegas Review Journal's Inside Gaming column.

The Golden Gate, the oldest hotel downtown, no longer has the oldest slot machines.

Owner Mark Brandenburg replaced the coin-operated slots with ticket in-ticket out machines, which are less labor intensive than coin-operated machines. The move should reduce costs for the 101-year-old casino.

Longtime customer Alma Margaret Creel, 94, was given card No. 1, as the founding member of the new slot club.

The article (3rd from top) can be found at:

I wish I could jump in my car and drive there. grin I hope Alma Margaret Creel doesn't leave her slot card laying around. vbg

Messages In This Thread

Golden Gate slot card ?
I jumped in my car for trade
Tarl, thanks for the pics...
Re: Tarl, thanks for the pics...

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