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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

vbg BIG TRIP harvesting report vbg


Sorry for the delay in posting this, but many health, computer and family
issues has kept me away from my hobby.


My wife and I left Boston in mid-January for our 3rd "Big Trip" for
harvesting slot cards and to get away from the cold NorthEast.
First stop was Atlantic City for about four days. After that we
stopped at a couple of racinos in Delaware and West Virginia. We
proceeded through the "dry" states of Virginia and Tennessee, then
found a racino in Alabama (Fast Track) but could get only a few
cards. Next stop was Pearl River in Mississippi, where we stayed.

Now we headed for Biloxi, stayed at the rebuilt President for a few
days as we sight-saw the destruction on the Gulf Coast from
Hurricane Katrina. It was hard to believe that it happened 18
months before; only the casinos were rebuilt, nothing else! We
visited each casino from Biloxi to bay St. Louis and harvested many

Louisiana provided a couple more harvesting opportunities, but
Texas is no place for a casino-hopper. On through New Mexico to
Arizona and a few casinos in and around Phoenix and Tucson.

Next stop was the condo in Las Vegas, where we stayed for 3 months
harvesting over a thousand cards from every casino in town. We
also hit Primm, Mesquite, Paharump, Henderson and Laughlin.

We took a different route home in order to stop at some more
casinos. On through northern Arizona to New Mexico and some of the
Indian casinos around Albuquerque and Santa Fe.

In Oklahoma we stopped at several around Oklahoma City and Tulsa.
So many casinos and so little time! We stayed in Branson, MO
(Wife's idea) for a couple of shows and shopping. Only hit one
casino in Missouri; it was the President (We were not impressed).

A quick stop at The Casino Queen in East St. Louis, Illinois found
the slot booth in the foyer; signed up but never went on the boat
because the card looked like the same one issued for years. But it
turned out to be different.

Decided to go through Southern Indiana this trip to visit the
several casinos along the Ohio River.

Casinoless Ohio was a bore, but when we got to Erie PA, we found
one of the new Pennsylvania casinos at Presque Isle Downs (sorry,
all of the traders already spoken for).

We bypassed the casinos around Buffalo so we could go to Seneca
Allegheny which always eluded us on previous trips. On through
central New York to Turning Stone and Vernon Downs (another new

We were now only a few hundred miles from home and thought of
sleeping in "our own bed" after 4 months on the road, compelled us
to pull an all-nighter. We arrived home in Boston at 5AM!

We had visited about 200 different casinos in 16 different states.
Harvested over 2000 slot cards and 1000 TITOs and put 11,772 miles
on the car.

I also added about 250 "new ones" to my collection and I have
compiled a list of 131 new traders, I have for trade/sale.

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vbg BIG TRIP harvesting report vbg
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OK, Norm grin Thanks for trade

Copyright 2022 David Spragg