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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Convention/Splashbar Custom Chip Offer!!!! Building Fund

Special offer! Custom chips from 75c each, minimum order only 25.

Many of you have either already ordered or are planning to order personal chips to trade at this years convention.

This offer appeals to all! Why not have extra chips made? (some members make a different chip to trade every day). Or, for those who haven't planned chips of their own, if you found the price/minimum quantities of other chip types prohibitive, or cannot make it to the convention to trade, then this is for you!!

This is the deal for those who cant attend the convention but would like to trade. I will make your chips and trade with as many people as I can and then send you whatever I traded for & any chips remaining at no extra charge!

All you need to supply is the following: A photograph or other camera ready art, your membership number, quantity/colors required, and of course whether you will be attending the convention. Your chips will be manufactured with your picture on one side and the appropriate back. There is a choice of 9 colors available and you can have whatever mixture you like!

Your chips can be delivered to you at the convention (I will be there at least 5 days before) or they can be mailed.

You can order your chips through my website or by emailing me. These chips are being supplied at close to cost. Any net proceeds will be donated to the ccgtcc Building Fund !!

Link for full details and ordering:

Copyright 2022 David Spragg