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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Vacation time for the OLCD...

The company I work for (one of those sleazy National Defense Contractors) shuts down every year from Christmas to New Years. So, I will be taking a break from all the interesting actvities here and on the other Message Boards until 2 January, 2007.

However, I do have a handheld with me, so I will be checking-in from time-to-time (mostly to kill SPAM-bot posts that the Naughty Word list misses). Please don't expect extensive responses to messages. Seems I've lost the stylus, and the toothpick replacement is too short and my fingers are a bit big for the tiny keyboard.

Email will reach me.

Thank you and may everyone have a Happy Holiday and Happy New Year!

Jim Follis - OLCD

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Vacation time for the OLCD...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg