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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

grin Making sense of Turning Stone cards grin


I've been milling over my Turning Stone cards all day trying to make some sense out of all the different "Multi-Game issues", and the following list is what I came up with:

Apparently each series does not include all the denominations expected. So using my collection and the 5th ed. of Wells-Lamb, I broke down the different cards into separate series.

FIRST ISSUE: White oval logo

SECOND ISSUE: Black ("Diamond Card")

SERIES XX1 "Multi-Game" $5,$10,$15,$20,$25 denominations
-- "Turning Stone Casino" above denomination on obverse.
-- "Turning Stone" in a circle on lower left reverse.
-- First word in the first 3 lines of reverse are: "This... Indian... Oneida..."

SERIES XX2 "Multi-Game" $5,$10,$15,$20,$25 denominations
-- "Turning Stone Casino" above denomination on obverse.
-- "Turning Stone Casino" in logo on lower left reverse.
-- First word in the first 3 lines of reverse are: "This... Indian... Oneida..."

SERIES XX3 "Multi-Game" $5,$10,$15,$20,$25 denominations
-- "Turning Stone Casino" above denomination on obverse.
-- "Turning Stone Casino" in logo on lower left reverse.
-- First words are: "This... Nation... Nation..."

SERIES XX3a "Multi-Game" only navy $15 denomination known
-- "Turning Stone Casino Resort" above denomination on obverse.
-- Last line of logo on lower left reverse is missing.
-- No space between text and logo.
-- First words are: "This... Nation... Nation..."

SERIES XX3b "Multi-Game" only navy $15 denomination known
-- "Turning Stone Casino Resort" above denomination on obverse.
-- "Turning Stone Casino" in logo on lower left reverse.
-- No space between text and logo.
-- First words are: "This... Nation... Nation..."

SERIES XX3c "Multi-Game" only purple $75 denomination known
-- "Turning Stone Casino Resort" above denomination on obverse.
-- "Turning Stone Casino" in logo on lower left reverse.
-- First words are: "This... Nation... Nation..."

SERIES XX3d "Multi-Game" only $5 and $20 denominations known
-- "Turning Stone Casino Resort" above denomination on obverse.
-- Sig strip between mag strip and text.
-- "Turning Stone Casino" in logo on lower left reverse.
-- First words are: "This... creates... card..."

SERIES XX4 "Multi-Game" $5,$10,$15,$20,$25 denominations
-- "Turning Stone Casino" in logo on lower left reverse.
-- No space between text and logo.
-- First words are: "This... Nation... Indian..."

SERIES XX4a "Multi-Game" only orange $50 denomination known
-- "Turning Stone Casino" in logo on lower left reverse.
-- First words are: "This... Nation... Indian..."

SERIES XX4b "Multi-Game" $30,$40,$50,$100 denominations known
-- Last line of logo on lower left reverse is missing.
-- First words are: "This... Indian... Indian..."

SERIES XX5 "EXPRESS Multi-Game" $5,$10,$20,$50 denominations known
-- Reverse has 3 lines of text. No phone number.
-- First words are: "This... for... play..."

SERIES XX5a "EXPRESS Multi-Game" $10,$20 denominations known
-- Reverse has 4 lines of text. Has phone number.
-- First words are: "This... for... play..."

SERIES XX5b Green "EXPRESS CARD" no denomination
-- Reverse has 4 lines of text. Has phone number.
-- First words are: "This... for... play..."

SERIES XX6 Red "Multi-Game" $5,$10,$15,$20,$25,$30,$40,$50,$100
-- 9 lines of text with no logos on reverse.
-- First words are: "This... Indian... Indian..."

I don't pretend that this list is totally complete and accurate, so I hope that you all will bounce your collections against this list and post any discreptencies (or e-mail me if you wish) so that we can all have a way to document and trade our cards.

Dennis McCormack - Boston MA

Copyright 2022 David Spragg