Slot Card BBS
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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

slot cards for sale!!!

1).grey grand adv. grand casino hinckley-$3.00
2).blank stations casino kansas city obs.-$3.00
3).princess casino(sofia)-foriegn-nice!!!-$10.00
4).v-scarce obs.ALYSTRA HENDERSON NEV.0pen 97-closed 98-$10.00
5).gold vip casablanca-$5.00
6).new awsome (pict of casino)LAC VIEUX DESERT MI.-$3.00
7).foriegn tough to get!!casino palace (BUCHAREST)-$10.00
8).club majestis obs.(silver players card)4th edition-$5.00
9).1995 reno hilton bowlers card-blank-$10.00
10).obs.scarce gold club majestic-$8.00
11).obs.V.RARE drk pink four queens (data card)2nd edition-$20.00
12).V SCARCE 1st miss marquette (green)-$15.00
13).V SCARCE 5th ed.maroon four queens-$10.00
14).SCARCE (pict.of building)four queens-$8.00
15).treasure chest kenner LA obs.(pict. of mermaid)-$3.00
16)obs.RARE ATL/CITY showboat 4th ed.officers club (purple)-$10.00
17).new awsome chip in island resort in MI (PICT,OF BEACH AND ALIGATOR)-$3.00
18).red ameristar room key-$2.00
19).gilpin cash card VIP-$3.00
20).soaring eagle MI 1st card obs.-$4.00
21).obs. scarce POT O GOLD players club.-$5.00

if interested please email asap to get what you are interested in,or call 810 245 1998--thankyou

Copyright 2022 David Spragg