"i had no idea i have never been to Iowa not sure where it is." Well, Iowa is located in the midwest, just to the left of Wisconsin and Illinois on the map. (Ha Ha). There have been three President casino boats and you have to be careful in cataloging them. As I mentioned in the Slot Card University entry for the President in Davenport, any cards that mention "Under the Arch" are from the President at St. Louis, any mentioning the "Broadwater Resort" are for the Biloxi boat, and to be sure about the Davenport boat (which has, since its acqusition by the Isle of Capri chain, become the Rhythm City Riverboat) look for the 1-800-352-5961 phone number. I have not seen the gold card you had before, but I do have white and red version of that card. The silver star (with wavy squiggles running left) that you describe was an imprint that was put on the card with the name for senior citizen members.