Well, I made a trip into North Dakota from Saskatchewan to the 4Bears and ended up staying over night there. Hit the slot card Jackpot, got 31 different cards, including 7 Mint old Pink ones, 4 old white ones, 3 Platinum, and 2 Old style Silver cards I had never seen before, plus the usual horde of regulars. So, I get to the border, and prepare for the routine check. UH UH, little miss overzealous Border officer decides to do a full search, finds the cards and informs me that the only possible reason I can have these is for illegal purposes. So, after arguing for many a minute, she decides the best way to settle this is to what???? call the casino. Of course, she gets the new employee who says, well I would think those should be confiscated and returned to us, but I am new here. Enough said. The cards are seized pending an investigation. I am allowed to leave, but am informed I am now under investigation for stolen goods and illegal activities. I tried to call the GM of the casino to get this all sorted out, (I am a fairly regular patron and on the preferred list) but of course yesterday was Turkey day, and he didn't return my calls today, so I am hoping he was out for the day too. To say the least, next time I venture over the border (it will be a long time now!!!) I will take a mailer and mail the cards to myself!! Worst part is, I don't even collect the damn things, merely got them to trade for chips with those that do!!! Ah well if life wasn't stressful, what would it be????