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The Slot Card BBS Archive 01

Gift Card Collecting Site

Try and try, I could not get my site converted fully over to my new server. The heavily-customized software behind the gallery was just not compatible, and the time required to fix it would easily run into the 100's of hours. So...I have taken this 'opportunity' to create a new home with new software for our gift card family.

Many of the features you have become used to there are implemented at the new site. Already well over 1,400 gift cards have been uploaded to the new gallery - nearly 3x the amount we have at CCC.c! We've been running the new site through its paces for weeks now, testing on different browsers, populating the gallery, trying out the various features of the new system. And's ready for the public!

Head on over, be sure to register! Currently the gallery is open for anyone to view, but that may change in the future to mimic how it is here (must be registered to view). You should find the site faster, easier to navigate, and hopefully more informative about gift card collecting that you found at CCC.c.

As for the status of is currently on an old server that I no longer own. In fact, I don't believe my old company even uses the host's services any longer, so it's a server that the host hasn't bothered to shut down yet. For the time being, I will leave it online (backed up all the data already), but it 'could' shut down at any time (or live on forever - who knows). All of the traffic there was now geared around gift cards anyhow, so it just seemed appropriate to move on to a site that is centered around this new collecting category.

I hope you enjoy the new site!


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Gift Card Collecting Site

Copyright 2022 David Spragg