Yes, I would say they are worth more.
Lets start at the beginning. I'm sure all of us collectors have signed up and asked for a few blank cards,and (usually) the lady behind the desk is as befuddled as outer space. Huh? Whats a blank card? Also, I can't do that,thats against the constitution, I'll ask my brilliant supervisor. She turns to the supervisor, who is picking her nose, and she says give him a deck of cards. Mission unaccomplished. Hope for someone more intelligent at the next casino.I have called casinos,wrote to them,visited them and I can say that my percentage is about 30/35 percent.Don't bother with the Vegas casinos, they are the worst.
Atantic City is second worst, and Mssissippi the third.
Now,before any body gets uptight I'm not a sexist, and I don't want to demean woman, I'm just relating my experiences..
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